Complete your documents easily, and at your convenience.

Fast and affordable divorce preparation

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Terms of Service

Check if you are eligible for our service and create an account
Complete the questionnaire to generate the forms
Get completed documents with detailed filing instructions

How it works enables you to prepare all the court-required documents to start your uncontested divorce without the need to hire an attorney. After you apply for our divorce preparation service, complete the online questionnaire, and let us finish the paperwork.
We will choose state-specific forms and fill them out with the appropriate information. Once the papers are ready, print and sign them, and you’re good to go. There are no long waits or excessive fees. Our service does all the work while you stay comfortable at home.

Guaranteed services and benefits

Fast and reliable service with no hidden fees
Complete the process online without leaving your home
Considerably lower price compared to lawyers’ fees
Comprehensive instructions on how to file papers with a court
Transparent guided process for filling out the questionnaire
Safe data storage and secure user account system
Getting completed divorce papers within 2 business days
Responsive and user-friendly customer support

About DivorceOnline in numbers


years of online divorce forms preparation


couples easily got divorce papers


of clients leave positive reviews


service satisfaction guaranteed

Check your Eligibility


Sandra P.
Sandra P. / Fremont stars

Sandra P. When I realized that my marriage was beyond saving, I started looking for a lawyer. The cost was sky-high. So I came here and let DivorceOnline handle my divorce papers. Registration was simple. And everything about the site is smooth easy to use. My documents came in two days. I hope my feedback helps anyone who’s still in doubt.
Eric N.
Eric N. / Elk Grove stars

Eric N. Thank you, Divorceonline, for such prompt help. I filled out an application for divorce online and answered all the questions, and it wasn’t complicated at all. Thanks to the filing instructions, I started my divorce without trouble.

Our premium offers

A Platinum service allows you to enjoy a broader range of services than you have in a regular version. You provide us with the information required to complete your state-specific divorce forms, but you don’t have to file them yourself. We’ve got that covered.

We take your divorce papers to the court, obtain a case number, review the resulting documents, and bring them back to you without extra charges. You can comfortably sit back and leave the filing process to us. After we file the verification of service and review the processed files, you receive the final documents and instructions on how to finalize your divorce.

Have questions about filling out forms? Or don't know how to divide common property? Just ask! We will contact you with licensed attorneys to help clarify all questions.

This service is paid, but the price is symbolic and still much lower than standard lawyers’ fees.

Divorce can plunge even the most emotionally persistent individuals into an abyss of regret and self-destruction. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The Next Chapter: Life After Divorce with Laura Wasser, will give you all the helpful tools to start afresh. It’s a comprehensive and genuinely unique resource focusing on transforming your life in a post-divorce period.

You’ll access video materials divided into 5 modules, covering all vital aspects of a healthy lifestyle. The series will provide you with valuable insights from 12 experts in a wide variety of fields, ranging from finance and law to psychology and personal development.

Our parenting classes are designed to help married couples preparing for divorce to comply with court orders and educate them on how to raise children after divorce or separation. Using our interactive courses is safe and convenient.

You can complete all the online sessions at your own pace without leaving your home or office. All materials are accessible from your smartphone or computer at any time. Upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate to show a judge and fulfill the court requirements.